I just read this great talk by Henry B Eyring that he gave back in 1996. The talk is called "Witnesses for God". He talks about a conversation he had with a man who was not a member of the LDS church but who has a wife who is a member. Monthly, they would receive visits from visiting and home teachers, bringing cookies, trying to socialize, just being friendly. The man, in an attempt to offer then Elder Eyring some advice, said, "You need to tell your people when to quit."
Elder Eyring taught the man about covenants, specifically the baptismal covenant which requires "God's people" to "mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places, that ye may be redeemed of God.... that ye may have eternal life" (Mosiah 18:9).
Elder Eyring went on to say to members of the church, "The power of that covenant to love and to witness should transform what members do in other settings across the world. One of the most important is in the family."
He goes on to talk about taking opportunities to teach the gospel and to bare testimony to our families. Sunday meetings were consolidated to give families more time to be together and Monday evenings were set aside to give families an opportunity to not only be together but also to learn the gospel together. Elder Eyring says, "For members of the church, my caution is that to neglect those opportunities is a choice not to keep sacred covenants."
Wow! What a powerful idea that in order to keep our covenants that we made with God, we must teach our children the gospel, bear them our testimonies, and raise them up in truth and righteousness. I think sometimes I forget how significant my calling as a mother truly is. Sometimes I see my roles as merely clean house and keep the children alive and, if possible, happy. My role, however, extends to a much greater position when I consider that in order to keep the covenants that I have made with my Father in Heaven, I must teach my children the gospel. I must help them gain testimonies. I must teach them to serve and love others. I must teach them to bear testimony so that they will be able to keep the covenants that they will make someday.
Elder Eyring issues this promise: "Because God always honors covenants, I can make a promise to those who in faith keep the covenant to create experiences of giving love and bearing testimony with their families. They will reap a harvest of hearts touched, faith in Jesus Christ exercised unto repentance, and the desire and the power to keep covenants strengthened."
This is such a great promise. As I work to keep my covenants by teaching my children, they will have a greater chance of keeping their own covenants and of having faith in their Savior. This is a great motivation to me to work hard to teach my children, despite the difficulties. I'm motivated to keep having Family Home Evening, even though some nights my children would sometimes rather skip the lesson and move right on to the game and treats. I'm motivated to keep taking my children to church, even though my one year old would rather spend the whole three hours running around the church halls. I'm motivated to bear my testimony in church, even though speaking in front of people has always been intimidating to me. The salvation of my children is worth all the discomfort in the world.
Thanks to President Eyring for this wonderful lesson and inspiration on parenting my children. :)
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