Sunday, January 15, 2017

I love how when something is on my mind, I'm more aware of that thing in the world around me.  For example, I never really paid much attention to the trucks I would pass by.  But when my husband started driving a grey little GMC, I started seeing similar trucks everywhere.

I've had the idea for this blog for a long time, but last week I finally decided to put it together.  Since then, I keep having little grey trucks in the form of ideas and inspiration drive by me.  

One of those little tidbits came in the form of a quote by President Dieter F Uchtdorf, second counselor in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I saw this on my Facebook feed, and I found it to be a great piece of advice as a parent.

It may seem odd to think of having a relationship with ourselves, but we do. Some people can’t get along with themselves. They criticize and belittle themselves all day long until they begin to hate themselves. May I suggest that you reduce the rush and take a little extra time to get to know yourself better. Walk in nature, watch a sunrise, enjoy God’s creations, ponder the truths of the restored gospel, and find out what they mean for you personally. Learn to see yourself as Heavenly Father sees you—as His precious daughter or son with divine potential. ("Of Things That Matter Most" Oct 2010)

As a mother, I am very concerned about my children's self-esteem.  It hurts to see my child doubt himself, and I know personally the pain that comes from belittling and criticizing oneself.  I hope with all my heart to be able to help my sons recognize their divine nature as children of a loving Heavenly Father.  I want them to understand that they are valuable no matter what mistakes they make or what their weight is or what sport they play.  In my lowest moments, I have relied on my knowledge that Heavenly Father loves me and cares for me, and I want that strength for my children.

So, I want to make sure my children are able to follow's President Uchtdorf's advice. Make sure they don't rush through their lives without really finding out who they are.  Take them into nature and let them experience it on their own.  Wake them up early and watch the sunrise in quiet meditation, snuggling in a blanket together.  Enjoy God's creations together by going to the zoo, the park, the mountains, the ocean, and letting them feel God's presence in all things.  Help them learn the truths of the gospel and gain their own testimonies.  And pray with all my heart that they will learn to see themselves with all the potential and worth that Heavenly Father sees in them.